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Showing posts from June, 2014

Reconnecting and Adapting

For those of us who have busy lives the worst thing is that moment when we realize we need to reconnect...Or for some of us its when our family -quite cheerfully- drags us kicking and screaming out the door away from the computer, the phone, the busy schedule that just seems to get more and more full. Forced to do nothing but reconnect with our loved ones we're at first irritable, sullen even. Don't they understand we're trying to build something, our business, our careers, our dreams...? Too often we think, No by God they don't. They haven't got a clue what it is we're trying to do. We tell them - but its sort of like ships passing at night. There's a vague awareness of them but beyond that, they become a faint memory which stirs when its time to do bath time, homework, dinner. Do we as authors, entrepreneurs, business execs really need to spend 18 hours working to get ahead? Oh I hear someone saying YES! Running our own business is a full time job, its